Sunday 5 March 2017

Welcome to my new blog

Hi I'm Jayden and this is my blog.

Rules of blogging

1. No personal details like last name or phone number.
2. Fill buckets - be kind.
3. Every post must have 5+ sentences.
 4. Save TBC in the title. TBC camp writing.
5. Edited and checked -perfect.
6. Ask for permission or acknowledge images or photos.


  1. Awesome blogging Jayden and even done on the weekend. You are very keen. I like the way you have made the blogging rules clear with steps and capitals to begin each step. You also remembered to put TBC in the title so I's take a look.

    Keep up the great blogging Jayden. I wonder what you will post next!
    Whaea Allana

  2. Good work Jayden.

    I really liked your post because you used bullet points and numbers. Next time try to tell us what your blog is going to be about.


    I cant wait for the next post. from deklyn
