Friday 31 March 2017

The Lighthouse Crisis

It was a gloomy night and the lighthouse was on.
Everyone was going to bed except the people
at the pub. Some adults were cheering every time
the light came by.

The lighthouse is made out of hard bricks and inside the lighthouse was an old man. He jumped as the window opened and then he slammed the window shut because of the noisey cheering.

Suddenly the light turned off. Then in the lighthouse Keeper went up the stairs. He had a look at the light. A boat was on its way and it could hit the rocks?

The Keeper took the the light off its hinges but he tripped over and smashed the light. He looked horrified because a boat was close to the rocks. Then he had an idea. 

The Keeper got people from the town to bring their lanterns up the hill and hold up their lanterns so the boat could see land. Luckily the boat safely sailed by.

Acknowledge Sources

I can't steal things off the Internet like art ,photos or music.I need to acknowledge my sources.I went to
cc search to find my picture.I was lucky because mine was free to use.

provided by

Wednesday 29 March 2017

FIE - dots

Every week our class does FIE. For FIE we do dot to dots. We had to be very accurate and precise.

The first time at we did it we were given a booklet with dot to dot’s in it. We could not use rulers or pen and we could not turn the paper but you are allowed to use a rubber.

The dots activities are called Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment. I really enjoy it because I learnt heaps.

FIE teaches you how to be neat. You have to check and change your idea. You make a plan and  learn the proper names for things.

Monday 27 March 2017

Caught out!

On Saturday my team had game of cricket. First our team got out their gear and did some practice before the game.

Then we had a drink and started the game. Our team batted first. I had to wait for a while and finally I batted with Max. We were out quickly but we had lots of fun.

After we had batted, we had to wait again for the other batters in our team. We did not have enough runs so we had to get heaps of people out.

Once we had a drink, it was time to do some fielding. I bowled one person and then caught one person out.

Finally it was time to go home.


Sunday 26 March 2017

Mini me

Hi I am Jayden. I am eight year's old. I am a year 4. If you did not know I have my own blog. I like to play cricket and I play for Springston. I am in section three. I also like art and music. I go to art class on a Monday and keyboard on a Thursday. I enjoy athletics too but I don't like soccer and I hate nachos to eat.

Thursday 23 March 2017

Craft day

In the morning when we got to school there were lots of crafts in our class. Then we had to make a sand saucer. I had yellow flowers and my friend made a sand saucer with purple, pink and orange flowers and green leaves
I had that to.

Jayden and I made lego crafts for the competition. I made a was blue and white and it had a toilet
In it.The judges gave out heaps of first places and fourth too.



Monday 13 March 2017


Hi I'm Jayden.

1. Use their name.
2. Say who it is from.
3. Share positive points.
4. Suggest next steps.
5. Ask a question. 

The Journey to Camp

        The Journey to Camp    
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I can see Sun reflecting off the water. Trees and
bushes are blowing in the wind. Cars are zooming past.  
Sheep baaing and sleeping while the weeds are growing everywhere like grass.                          

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Where am I?

Clothes are blowing in the gentle breeze. Green plants sprout like fountains while the paint is peeling.

The cabins in the distance have a large X marked on the porch. Maybe there is treasure.

Rocky Island

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I can see dark shapes in the shallow water. Meanwhile the moist sand tickles my feet. On top of the rocks sits a green sea of friendly lizards. Far far away in the distance a boat sails by with monsters.

In the spooky moonlight

I can see shadows from the vines in the trees. A flash of light cut through the freaky forest. A whistle of wind came through the forest. The stars and the moon looked like a ufo hanging in the sky.

A flash of light came again.The little girl screamed in fright. The eye panicked and zoomed away.
He was brave enough to have a peek at the forest.
He saw the girl again and came right over.The girl looked up in a amazement, waited and then he watched and waited and then flew up closely.

The glowing alien picked up the fence and flipped it like a necklace. He picked her up and dropped her down carefully.

The alien pulled the bucket from the well and gave it to her then he flew up into the sky. She could see him floating, reflected in the water of her  bucket.

She smiled and said goodbye my friend.

Sunday 5 March 2017

Welcome to my new blog

Hi I'm Jayden and this is my blog.

Rules of blogging

1. No personal details like last name or phone number.
2. Fill buckets - be kind.
3. Every post must have 5+ sentences.
 4. Save TBC in the title. TBC camp writing.
5. Edited and checked -perfect.
6. Ask for permission or acknowledge images or photos.