Sunday 23 April 2017

Mount Cook


I can hear wind blowing in the breeze.

I can see pointy tops of mountains with
snow melting in the sun like ice cream.
I can see water shimmering against the sun, 
snow white as an ice block.
I can smell cold fresh air.

This is the best picture I have ever seen.

Thursday 20 April 2017

Holiday Art


Today I did a art class in Sockburn for 2 hours and a half.

We painted a picture of a tree with red blossom, some grass and some Easter eggs.

First we started with the sky, then we painted the grass, then the tree and finally we painted the eggs.The colours that we used were yellow, green, blue, pink, black, brown, white, orange and red.The hardest part was the Easter eggs.The easiest part was the sky.

I do art classes on a Monday and I am learning how to shade and copy other pictures.

Tuesday 18 April 2017

My 21st blog post.

My 22nd blogging task.

This term I have done 22 blogging tasks.

I have learnt heaps of things this term.

I am getting better and better every time I do a blog.

I have used heaps of my time to do all of this work.
Sometimes I have to delete things when I help kids in our class even though they don't want it to be deleted.
They are always coming and asking for help.
I know all of the key codes.
I love blogging and am learning so much, I just need to work on my spelling.

Monday 17 April 2017

Lego writing

On Sunday I helped my little brother make a tunnel for a train to go under and through the house he had made. We did it together at home on the carpet. We made a roof and left a hole in the middle then we put a little crane that drops Duplo bricks into the train. The train carries rubbish and takes the rubbish away to a special station. There is also a petrol tank to fill up the train with petrol. The train track is 2cm above the ground and we spent about an hour making it.

Ben has small toy called Pocket that we drop through the hole and into the train. Pocket has a holiday home that he stays in and he has his own car.

We are going to keep our construction up all holidays. We can change it around a bit if we want to. Our construction is cool!

Easter writing



Last night I could not get to sleep because the Easter Bunny was coming. We gave him some food to eat and some water.

During the night I heard quite a lot of noise and I thought it was the Easter Bunny so I hid under my covers until the morning. In the morning I woke up Sam and we got out of bed and went up to the kitchen to see if he had come.  He had left some Easter eggs for us. 

I got a big egg with some little chocolate buttons in it and some other things to share with my family. Easter Bunny left a note saying that he played with our cats and over the next few days he will be giving us some Easter hunts and at we might see his paws and some eggs but he has not left an Easter hunt yet.

Friday 14 April 2017

My art work.

Have a look at the slid show.

By Jayden


Jimmy's Treehouse


One day in a tree house there was a little boy and he was looking at some photographs.He was feeling sad because he was moving to the city. He loved his tree house and didn't want to leave it behind.

He pulled his name off the tree house and started to climb down the steps for the last time. Jimmy looked up at it and sniffed as he said goodbye. Jimmy took off his hat, placed it under the tree and walked to the car. He shut the door of the car and waved goodbye. Then the car drove away. Jimmy was looking back at the treehouse. Was something moving in the tree?

Back at the farm the tree house had magically come alive. The treehouse picked up Jimmy's hat, looked at it very closely and put it inside of him. He pulled out his roots and started to walk away.The treehouse was going on an adventure to find Jimmy and his new house.

Meanwhile, Jimmy had a look around his new backyard and he had a playground.

The tree house was still looking for the family. He finally found the town so he went down the road. He looked around happily and he found a house and he looked in it but they did not live there. As he went through the village there were some kids and they got very scared and they ran away.

At the new house Jimmy was looking at the photographs of him and the treehouse.

The treehouse looked and looked around the village. He
turned around and saw Jimmy's family car.Then he found their house with the sign on the ground. He got the hat from inside of him and put it on the ground to leave it for Jimmy so he could have it. Jimmy went outside and saw a broken fence and that his hat was there. He walked away slowly feeling very sad.

Some kids saw the treehouse and Jimmy went through the broken fence and saw him too. Jimmy couldn't believe his eyes. He stared with amazement at his favourite treehouse. He ran up to the tree house and gave him a huge hug.The other kids asked if they could play on him and Jimmy said yes. The treehouse felt loved again and Jimmy was so happy too.

Friday 7 April 2017

My cats

These are my cats. Bella has  grey and black lines on her and Mittens has a white paws and a white tummy. Her back is black.

Bella can put her paws up and make a cute meow. She looks like a meerkat when she does this. Mittens likes to catch flies and bugs. They both love to sleep on a chair or in their cat basket.

They have two baskets - one inside and one outside where they love to sleep. They have heaps of cat toys like a cat teaser and a tunnel and they have feathers and balls.

We feed them biscuits and water and wet meat. We also give them treats which they love. 

They love to play fight.

Thursday 6 April 2017

My blog background

blog background Jayden.png

Hi I am Jayden. Today at school I made a background for my blog. I did it with Carol our awesome computer lady. She is always ready to help. I designed this background myself but I had a little bit of help from her.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Lily and the snowman

Once upon a time in a shadowy gloomy night there was a little girl called Lily and she was making a snowman.
She built a amazing snowman with a black coal smile. Lily jumped up and down with joy.

The little girl looked up in the the sky to see the moon send a flash off light that made the snowman come to life. He waved his hand and realised he could make shadow puppets on the back fence.

The shadows from the snowman's hands turned into a bird. He told the story of what the bird could see. Lily could see a man on horse fly through the air like a dart.

After many stories, the sun started to come up. The snowman was starting to melt. Lily got a wagon and took him into the garage. She put him in the freezer, where he stayed with a friendly teddy.

The  snowman stayed there for quite a few years.

Way in the city, at the top of a tall building, Lily was working. Suddenly she knocked over her lamp and it reflected past her snow globe. The snowman's shadow reminded her of the snowman hidden in her freezer back home.

Quickly Lily got her coat and car keys to rush straight home. Was he still there she wondered? Opening up the garage door, Lily moved all the boxes from in front of the freezer door. He was still there, with a frost bitten carrot nose.

Later, when Lily had her own little girl, the Snowman still made shadows stories for them both on the back fence.

Lilly learned that it was important to make time for for what you love.

Sunday 2 April 2017

Awesome Bloggers


We have awesome blogging skills because we are always helping kids in our class.

  • We know how to copy and paste.
  • We have to help heaps of people to get  them into there to gmail. 
  • We also have to help kids to get a photo. 
  • We have learnt  heaps this term  and this is  our first year using chromebooks at school.
  • We are good at  fast typing.
  • We get better by doing it over and over.

We will be super experts at helping kids at the end of the year.  I have to send pictures to kids in our class.

Saturday 1 April 2017

TV tower

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This is my T.V tower. It is shiny and tall. There is a real T.V tower just like this in China. I got it from my aunty and uncle. My brothers have one too. Mine is silver, Sam's is bronze and Ben’s is gold. They have black soft bottoms. They light up at night time and they look really awesome. We got them a couple of days ago in the mail.