Friday 13 April 2018

Top Team-Home learning

Blog comments Home learning

Here are the comments that I did.I had to do 5.

Hi Will,

I like the photo of you with the ball. I like how are are starting to use captions. I hope you got the try.

Come and visit my blog at:


Hi Thomas,

That is the hardest Puzzle that I have ever done. I like how you linked were to get safe photos. Have you tried to do it?

Please visit my blog at:


Hi Sam,

I agree with your best moments at school. I like how you have photos and the writing is easy to read. Keep up the great work.

Please visit my blog at


Hi Delkyn,

You have done an awesome post and it is good how you sound excited about your blog. I like how you have a photo and said welcome to my blog.

Keep up the great work.

Please visit my blog at:


Hi Rohan,

This is a really good blog post. I like the way that you have photos. It is very detailed.

Keep up the great work.

Please visit my blog at:


Hi James,

It is an very interesting writing. I like the way that you have photos and the spelling is good. Keep up the great work.

Please visit my blog at:


Photography Challenge Home learning

Master Chef Challenge

Master Chef Challenge

For my home learning Master Chef challenge I have decided to make chocolate mousse.
I have got some photos for my proof. It is best to only have Chocolate Mousse 1 to 2 times a week.

Mum’s Comment: Jayden was able to read the instructions on the packet and decide on
the ingredients he needed and what bowls, measuring equipment, beaters etc. he needed.
A simple dessert that doesn’t take long to make and is very yummy. Thank you Jayden.

Rating by family: 10/10


Tuesday 10 April 2018

Reading reflection

This term in my reading I have been learning about finding the secret clues.

  1. Highlight the key words
  1. Read the questions
  1. Skim and scam to find the answer.
  1. Say because when you say the answer.

Always remember to never give up in reading even I you don't
like reading.

Sunday 8 April 2018

Can I Steal Images?

provided by

Never steal photo's off the Intent because you might get charged by the owner. You might get charged lots and lots of money. Click on these links so you can get free photos because they are Creative Commons Zero images. 

Here is the links to the free photos:

Blogger safety rules

  1. Never give private details
  2. Say nice comments
  3. Only email about learning things.
  4. Get the Teacher to cheek your writing before you post it.
  5. Don't email people that you do not know.

6. Every post should try to have 5+ sentences.

Rules for email at school.

  1. Only open up emails that you know are safe.
  2. Make sure that the email is easy to read.
  3. Make sure you aren't emailing someone you don't know.

Also remember that the teachers at the school can see all of the email’s that you send so think before you post.