Tuesday 11 July 2017

About the school chickens.

About the school chickens.th (3).jpg

This year, in the 2nd term our school got chickens. There is a chicken club and there are kids that look after the chickens.

There are 19 people in the chicken club. There is a roster telling us when we need to come and help out. It tells us which day and what break to come.

The names of the children in the chicken club are Poppy, Charlotte W, Lexie, Adele, Lucy, Carys, Fletcher, Sammy, Deklyn, Tegan, Paris, Quintin, Danica, Keira, Mckenzie, Harrison, James, Charlotte and of course me-Jayden. I like helping to look after the chickens.

In the holidays, Joe our chicken leader needed some help to look after the chickens. A notice was sent home with all the kids in the school asking if anyone could help and on what days.

The next week Joe sent out an email with a roster saying when our day was. Our day was the first Tuesday of the holidays. When we went to feed and check on the chickens they had laid 6 eggs. Yummy!!

We had boiled eggs for lunch and they tasted so good.


  1. Hi Jayden

    I was interested to read more about the school chickens. Do they have names?

    It sounds like you will be checking on them quite a bit over the holidays. You might be eating a lot of eggs! I hope they are ok if we get the expected snow. You might find some frozen eggs!

    A tip for you to edit your post - you're making great use of your commas when you are writing lists. You just need to put a space after each comma so the words aren't all jammed up :-)

    Looking forward to reading more of your updates.


  2. Hi Jayden - Roosters are very noisy in the morning....do you have to look after the Rooster at school, or do you take turns taking the Rooster home over the weekends or something?

    What does Grandma think of all this.....as she has heaps of chickens at home.

    Auntie Sue
