Saturday 27 May 2017

My pancake


In the holidays I had a pancake that my Mum made for me to eat. I loved it because it was very round and it was not too cold and it was not too warm and it tasted very nice.
It was not too big and not too small.
I loved the my pancake.


  1. Jayden, this piece of writing reminds me of the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. She was looking for a bowl of porridge that was not too hot and not too cold but just right. Maybe she needed to be looking for a pancake instead!

  2. I hope I can make another pancake this good Jayden. Mum

  3. Hi Jayden

    I love your description of the pancakes. Did they have a filling or topping with them? I love pancakes too - I love them with mashed banana mixed in, and whipped cream on top!

    Please let me know, if mum ever makes some of these for you!


  4. Wow next time I come to visit you Jayden, I hope Mum Makes me some of those yummy sounding Pancakes
