Tuesday 13 June 2017

Play date with Harrison

On Wednesday in the term one holidays me and my brother Sam went over to Harrison's house. When we got  there we got out of the car and we took off our shoes and went inside. First we played in Harrison room and we and Harrison brother Felix tried to catch us and wack us on the legs and Sam tried to get Flex and he did and whacked him very hard on the leg’s and there was a mark on one of them. Then we had a play outside and we played cricket and then we came inside and we had lunch and for lunch we had pancakes and we had something to drink. Then we had a mother play and we went on the Xbox and on the Xbox we played cricket and we played a one dayer and we won the toss and we diced to bate first and we his heps of 6ers and 4ers and and we won the game. After that we  went to the playground in protein play ground and we played tag and we took the shelters and we played on the schter eater. Then on the way back we went to the deary and we got some lolly’s to eat but I did not fell very well so I did not eat them and Sam had them at home. When we got back to Harrison house we played inside and then Mum came and took us home.

1 comment:

  1. Jayden, it sounds like you had a very busy and fun time at Harrison's house. It would be a good idea to check some of the spelling and also if the sentences all make sense. Do you think it might have been the spinning thing at the playground that made you feel sick?
